Here’s why you need to set goals for 2021.

As we begin the new year, it’s time to talk about setting goals for 2021. 

To start, I’ll share one of my goals. I want to help 100 families manage their wealth in real estate, increase their wealth in real estate, and buy or sell a home. I know I can ask for your assistance in helping me achieve this goal. 

Now, why do you set goals? Why should anyone set goals? According to a 1979 Harvard University survey of a class of MBA program students, they found that 84% of them didn’t set any goals, 13% of them set goals but didn’t have a plan for how to achieve them, and 3% set goals and did have a plan for how to achieve them. 10 years later, they found that the 13% of students who had goals but didn’t have a plan for how to achieve them were earning twice as much as the 84% who had no goals, and the 3% who set goals and had a plan for how to achieve them were earning 10x as much as that 84%. 

“Goal setting is a great way to get ahead and help your family do better in life.”

The lesson here is that goal setting is a great way to get ahead and help your family do better in life. That’s what I hope for you in 2021. Remember, your goals should follow the SMART criteria: 

  • **S**pecific
  • **M**easurable
  • **A**chievable
  • **R**ealistic
  • **T**imely

I know I can help you, your friends, and your family achieve wealth through real estate, so if you’d like to talk more about this topic, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I look forward to speaking with you.